The How Do You Read It Podcast
Did you know that a doctrinal approach to Scripture barely covers 10% of the Bible? What about the remaining 90%? How do you approach it? In our new podcast, How Do You Read It? by Jeology, we explore the most engaging and exciting ways to dive into the full breadth of God’s Word. Join us as we uncover practical methods to make the Bible come alive and transform your understanding of Scripture. Don’t miss this opportunity to deepen your journey through the Bible!
The How Do You Read It Podcast
3% of the Bible
In this episode of The How Do You Read It Podcast, we tackle a fundamental issue in modern Bible study: Are we truly engaging with the whole Bible, or just picking out select passages? Many churches rely on a limited set of verses to teach doctrine, but this often covers only a small fraction of Scripture. What about the other 97%? Today, we explore why it's essential to read the Bible as a whole, not just isolated parts. We'll discuss the dangers of fragmenting Scripture, the importance of understanding both the Old and New Testaments together, and how the entire Bible tells a unified story of God's faithfulness. If you’ve ever felt like you're missing something in your Bible study, this episode is for you! Tune in as we learn how to experience Scripture the way it was meant to be read—completely and cohesively.